SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

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Public Statistics - Player Profile  
Scorereset Period:
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Squad:   pork pate
Online Status: OFFLINE
Created: Apr. 1, 2009 0:43 [SSC biller time]
Last Seen: Mar. 6, 2016 8:57 [CDT/CST]
Usage: 3490h 00m
Resolution: 1920x1200
Location: Japan [GMT+0]
Achievements: 04th Scorereset period of 2014:
- Terrier: Highest Rating  (419)
01st Scorereset period of 2014:
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (260454 pts.)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (179254 pts.)
- Spider: Most Wins  (1321 wins)
26th Scorereset period of 2013:
- Lancaster: Most Wins  (1508 wins)
16th Scorereset period of 2012:
- Lancaster: Most Wins  (1309 wins)
- Lancaster: Most Flagpoints  (83200 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Killpoints  (164075 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Totalpoints  (247275 pts.)
14th Scorereset period of 2012:
- Lancaster: Most Wins  (1130 wins)
- Lancaster: Most Flagpoints  (78400 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Killpoints  (133515 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Totalpoints  (211915 pts.)
06th Scorereset period of 2012:
- Lancaster: Most Totalpoints  (390304 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Killpoints  (268104 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Wins  (2014 wins)
05th Scorereset period of 2012:
- Lancaster: Most Totalpoints  (545764 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Killpoints  (363164 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Flagpoints  (182600 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Wins  (2867 wins)
04th Scorereset period of 2012:
- Lancaster: Most Totalpoints  (219288 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Killpoints  (150488 pts.)
03rd Scorereset period of 2012:
- Lancaster: Most Wins  (2998 wins)
- Lancaster: Most Losses  (1684 losses)
- Lancaster: Most Flagpoints  (155000 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Killpoints  (325336 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Totalpoints  (480336 pts.)
23rd Scorereset period of 2011:
- Lancaster: Most Totalpoints  (260525 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Killpoints  (171125 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Wins  (1480 wins)
11st Scorereset period of 2011:
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (438873 pts.)
- Overall: Most Totalpoints  (672873 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Wins  (3154 wins)
- Lancaster: Most Flagpoints  (152000 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Totalpoints  (495858 pts.)
07th Scorereset period of 2011:
- Lancaster: Most Totalpoints  (421912 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Killpoints  (288912 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Flagpoints  (133000 pts.)
- Lancaster: Most Losses  (1599 losses)
- Lancaster: Most Wins  (2497 wins)
Rank By: Rating Wins Losses Average Flag Points Kill Points Total Points Rank*


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wildcard squad search *pork pate* matches: no matches
wildcard player search *pork pate* matches: pork pate

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